Homerun Presales is the 'Easiest to Use' Presales Management software on G2

Graphic of Homerun's score on G2 and a happy-looking man

Our customers have spoken... Homerun Presales is the 'Easiest to Use' Presales Management software on G2! 😎

💪 We've worked hard from Day 1 to balance the needs of BOTH individual sales engineers and presales managers/leadership.

💪 We've worked hard to reduce everyone's daily chaos.

💪 We've worked hard to enable everyone to Do More. Admin Less.â„¢

Curious how we do it? 🤔

Request a demo of Homerun Presales.


Sales engineers know which Opps have technical risks and warning signs. Do you?


Homerun Presales Team Dinner and Getting to Meet Sameer Kausar